Are you looking for a school of Italian in Puglia?

Are you looking for a traditional school of Italian language with group courses? Or would you rather wish to live a customized language learning experience?

A natural Italian language course in Lecce is a dive into Italian language but also culture, society and food with a special focus on Salento and Puglia.

  • All the time you need to speak and practice
  • Enjoy learning at your own pace
  • Learn with your private teacher
  • Focus on your needs, interests and passion
  • Dive into Italian language, culture, gastronomy with a special attention to Salento and Puglia
  • Duration: from 1 to 3 private lessons per day
  • 1 lesson = 60 minutes

Discover the most requested packages by learners who are on their linguistic holiday in Lecce:

Package of 10 lessons
2 hours per day = 1 week

1:1 lessons with your private teacher

Including a real life experience at the local food market

Package of 20 lessons
2 hours per day = 2 weeks

1:1 lessons with your private teacher

Including a real life experience at the local food market

Package of 5 lessons
1 hour per day = 1 week

1:1 lessons with your private teacher

The perfect package if you wish to enjoy conversation about cultural topics

Are you planning to live in Lecce for several months or even years?

A tailor-made course of Italian language and culture, offered twice a week, is often the most appreciated solution by those staying in Puglia for an extended period.

If you are a beginner, I suggest you to start with an Italian Discovery or an Italian Explorer course. After that you can continue with tailor-made lessons twice a week.

If you have an intermediate or advanced level, you may choose a package of lessons twice a week: this will be a nice appointment to complement your spontaneous learning – which naturally occurs in your daily life – with a focused learning and conversation in class.

Happy learners’ reviews

“Now I understand much more about food and Italian culture. Elisa teaches with a professional method and a lot of ideas! Every lesson was different and enriching, never boring. I wish I could go on another week!”

Sabine, teacher & art lover from Germany

Rating: 5 out of 5.

“I miss the course! If only I could stay one more week… We spoke a lot about cultural topics, I learnt new words and idioms and now I feel more confident when I speak Italian. Learning was so amusing and interesting!”

Alexandra, psychologist & curious soul from Austria

Rating: 5 out of 5.

“I enjoyed the dolce vita in Lecce with lessons not only in class but also open-air at the bar and at the market. Elisa has a very kind, professional and natural approach, I really felt supported.”

Kate, web writer & mom from Australia

Rating: 5 out of 5.

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